Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tiny, Colorful and Deadly: The Poison Dart Frog

One of the deadliest creatures on the planet exists in a very misleading skin.  The poison dart frog carries an extreme concentration of poison on its body.  Though it is a tiny and seemingly innocuous reptile that many people would love to keep as a pet, this brightly-colored frog should be avoided at great lengths.

blue single frog

Dendrobatidae frogs are native to Central and South America, where many of the species are currently threatened.  The species that is known as poison dart frogs get their name from one of the practices of the indigenous people of the region.  Because the frogs are so poisonous, they would rub the tips of arrows on the frogs to poison their targets.


The amount of poison that is secreted by these frogs is astounding, especially when their size is considered.  Most species of the poison dart frog average around only 1.5 centimeters in length in adulthood.  Though select species can reach up to 6 centimeters, it is less common.

The brightness of these frogs is a defining characteristic of them and a sign of warning to many predators that may try to approach them.  Because of such defenses, the poison dart frogs are able to be active alongside predators.

These are some of the brightest colored creatures on the planet, and variations of all colors of the rainbow exist on the skin of these reptiles.

four blue frogs

Lipophilic alkaloids are what is secreted through the skin of the frogs as poison.  This chemical is enough to draw away most all predators in their habitats.  Only a few species can tolerate it, such as a snake known as the Leimadophus epinephelus, which remains a threat to the frogs.

The poison that exists in these frogs is so extreme that scientists have used it to create painkillers.  Epibatidine is one of such that is 200 times as potent as morphine that is nearly fatal at a therapeutic dose.

Big things come in small packages is very true when considering the poison dart frog- one of the deadliest creatures on the planet at a mere centimeters length.

orange and blue frogorange little frogyellow poison dart frog

Tiny, Colorful and Deadly: The Poison Dart Frog

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