Raju is an elephant that just recently gained his freedom after nearly half a century of enslavement, starvation and torture. He spent his entire life in the Uttar Pradesh area of India contained to a very small area with spiked shackles on his legs. Everyday, Raju was made to stick his trunk out to passers-by and beg for change. He hardly received any food in return for his efforts. A large portion of his diet came from plastic, paper and whatever passers-by wished to spare for him.
When the London-based charity, Wildlife SOS heard of poor Raju’s situation, they were quick to act. Assembling a team of 10 vets and wildlife experts to be joined by 20 forestry department officers and 6 policemen, they were more than prepared to ensure a better future for the elephant. As they came across the poor creature, their hearts sunk. They immediately removed the shackles from Raju’s tormented legs, and were surprised and emotive to his response. He began to cry as he realized that he was being freed. As tears streamed from Raju’s eyes, the liberation of the elephant was a very raw and rich experience for everyone involved.
After months worth of legal processes, the wildlife charity was finally relieved and enabled to act on the rescue of Raju. Since the owner did not have any legal documents indicating any sort of “ownership” over Raju, the team was permitted to take Raju away from his suffering and move him to The Elephant Conservation and Care Center 350 miles away in Mathura.
What was discovered about Raju’s background was appalling. Being sold on and on for decades, he was submitted to 27 different owners after being stolen from his mother as a baby. He had no life other than serving as a commodity to his owners. After years of this, by the time he was discovered, the condition of Raju was tragic. The charity even moved the day of the rescue forward because of the severity of the situation. Raju needed medical attention, nutrition and help immediately.
Since arriving in his new home, Raju has already befriended other elephants. He is enjoying his life free of chains and with the resources he needs for health and happiness. The charity has started a fundraiser and Raju’s future looks much brighter as he begins rehabilitation and recovery.
Raju the Elephant Rescued After 50 Years of Shackles and Cruelty
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