#10. It is a common misconception that the white tiger is either a subspecies or an albino. It is actually a mutant variation of tiger. Only when both parents contribute the rare allele for the coloring, can a white tiger be born.
#9. Because both parents must contribute the rare allele, the natural birth of a white tiger is extremely rare. Researchers have stated that only about 1 in every 10,000 tigers are born white in nature.
#8. Due to the high demand for white tigers in show business and the rarity of them, tigers that contain the gene are often inbred to increase the likelihood of reproduction.
#7. Genetic defects are far more common among white tigers, most due to inbreeding. Some white tigers are born with club feet, crooked backbones, and domed-shaped heads.
#6. The gene in white tigers that produces their color is linked to a condition called strabismus, which complicates their eyesight. Strabismus is a condition that causes visual problems and spatial and locative confusion in tigers.
#5. Because of the condition strabismus, often white tigers will cross their eyes to compensate. This condition is also common among siamese cats and albinos in certain species.
#4. While white tigers are very rarely spotted in the wild (it has been said that only 12 have been spotted in India ever) they are commonly found in captivity. Siegfried and Roy’s Secret Garden is currently home to 40 white tigers.
#3. While is commonly stated that breeding white tigers is necessary for the preservation of their species, this claim has been proven contrary. The population of tigers, which has been endangered for decades, faces more harm than benefit from the specialized production of these mutant tigers.
#2. According to zoologists, the production of white tigers serves no purpose for conservation. The primary benefit of creating white tigers is pocketed by the zoos and shows, which can attract higher numbers of admissions with these cats.
#1. It is said that all white tigers held in captivity descended from a male tiger named Mohan who was captured in Rewa, Central India, in 1951.
10 Things You Didn't Know About White Tigers
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