Saturday, January 24, 2015

Most Recent Chupacabra Sightings

Today we are looking into 3 recent chupacabra sightings, 2 happened last year ago in Texas and the 3rd one might be the most shocking of all time.

Chupacabra’s Caught on Tape

A chupacabra is a cryptid creature that was first reported in 1995 to have killed eight sheep in Puerto Rico.

Its often described as 4 and half to 5 feet tall, alien like eyes that glow red, with feathery spines that start at the base of the head and end at the tail.

Its victims are primarily farm animals like sheep or cows who have had the blood completely drained from their bodies through 3 puncture wounds in the neck.

El Chupacabra reports and sightings have been on the rise all around the world, but has any of them ever been confirmed to be a real chupacabra?


Two of the most recent sightings have occurred in Texas with both creatures being caught on camera.

Scott Black of Houston, Texas took photos of a strange creature he described as big, long, with pointy ears, a long tail and no skin or fur.

Animal control expert Claude Griffin believes it is just an unfortunate result of someone’s attempt at crossbreeding exotic pets.

To me, it looks like a wild dog on the loose.

In Ratcliffe, Texas the Stock family claims to have caught what is a “baby” chupacabra.

As you can see in the video it is small, hairless and has large claws.

Brent Ortego, a wildlife diversity biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife has a different opinion.

He says it’s just a small canine that is suffering from mange.

In the Kolomna region of Russia, just 100km south of Moscow, a farmer woke up to find that 30 of his sheep had been attacked and killed by some unknown creature.

There was a significant amount of blood, as the sheep’s arteries had been cut “to suck out their blood.”

This was the typical style of killing associated with a Chupacabra which began to make its presence known in Russia since April of 2006..

According to the farmer, “30 creatures were virtually drained.” and they had experienced a similar attack earlier that year when they lost 8 sheep.

However, a local official, Svetlana Telnova went on record as saying that stray dogs were most likely culprits, and “Our veterinary doctors have dismissed the talk of drained blood.

All the sheep had a working heart muscle, so there is no Chupacabra,” she added.

The farmer of course disagrees, questioning how a dog would get in, as it would be virtually impossible for it to overcome the height of his fence.

To this day there has been no credible evidence to support the existence of a Chupacabra, through testing and evaluation, creatures that have been caught, or bodies that have been discovered have all turned out to be exactly what Brent Ortego stated, some sort of canine suffering from Mange.

Fact: The original and most important Chupacabra description cannot be “trusted,” according to Writer and professional skeptic Benjamin Bradford.


After a 5 year investigation into the eyewitness account from Madelyne Tolentino of Puerto Rico that launched the legend, it became apparent that her description was influenced by the creature from the Sci-Fi Horror film Species.

Ms Tolentino believed that the creature and events in the movie were actually occurring in Puerto Rico, and this “seriously undermines the credibility of the chupacabra as a real animal,” according to Bradford.

Sounds like quite the conspiracy… So now I ask you, what do you believe is more likely to exist… The Chupacabra… or Bigfoot?

For more on the conspiracy of Bigfoot, I invite you to check out this video from our friends at Alltime Conspiracies.Chupacabra_strange-mythical-animal

Most Recent Chupacabra Sightings

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Real Jersey Shore Shark Attacks

Most vicious shark attacks in history. A huge killer great white shark attacked men, women, surfers, swimmers and was eventually caught. Or was it?

The Real Jersey Shore Shark Attacks of 1916

Jaws. The 1975 film that put Steven Spielberg on the map and taught a generation of us to watch out for fins every time we went for a swim…

Great movie, right? But did you know that Jaws was based on actual events?



In the infamous summer of 1916, a rogue man-eating great white shark wrought havoc along the Jersey shore, dragging vacationing swimmers under the water and gorging itself on their flesh.

Sea captains along the Atlantic coast had been reporting for weeks that they had seen large sharks gathering along the coast before the attacks, but their warnings were ignored.

For 12 horrifying days, from July 1st – July 12th, 1916, this marauding shark terrorized holiday makers up and down the coast.

When the panic hit and the beaches were closed, the “Sea Wolf”, as it came to be known, even traveled miles up freshwater Matawan Creek in its relentless hunt for human meat.

By the end of the shark’s rampage, 5 people had been attacked, only 1 of whom survived to tell the tale.

This series of vicious attacks became front page news, and sparked a shark panic all along the Atlantic coast.

Bounties were offered for dead sharks, and motorboats filled with armed glory hunters launched what has been described as “the largest scale animal hunt in history”.

Hundreds of sharks were killed in a matter of days, culminating in Barnum and Bailey lion tamer Michael Schleisser’s capture of a young, 7.5 foot, 325lb great white shark with human remains in its stomach.

Schleisser’s shark was labeled “The Jersey man eater” and was put on display in a Manhattan shop on Broadway.

While some skeptics have questioned whether Schleisser’s shark was really the shark responsible for these attacks, it is worth noting that the Jersey shore didn’t have another fatal attack for the next 24 years.

In fact, there hasn’t been another fatal shark attack in New Jersey since 1926, despite the presence of reality TV star and noted shark temptress Snooki in the Jersey Shore waters every summer for the past decade.

The Real Jersey Shore Shark Attacks

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Top 5 Creepiest Deep Sea Creatures

5. The Blob Fish

Found off the coast of Australia, this blob of pink gelatin dwells in depths between 2,000 and 3,900 feet.  The unique make up of this fish allows it to float just above the ocean floor without having to use energy.  Containing little muscle mass, the blob fish survives by swallowing edible particles that float around near it.

Blob Fish

4.  Finned Octopus

Found at depths between 3,000 and 4,000 feet, little is known about the Grimpoteuthis genus, which contains seventeen different species octopi.  These unique-looking creatures are easily identified by the fins on top of their heads, which they use more than their tentacles for transportation.

finned octopus

3. The Magnapinna Squid

Very little is known about this nightmarish creature, which is also referred to as the big-fin squid. Reaching lengths of up to twenty feet, it is also sometimes called the long-armed squid.  The Magnapinna squid is found in the ocean at depths beyond a mile, making it very rare to spot. Since its discovery, very few of this species have been caught and examined, leaving the exact biological information about these squid undetermined.

long-arm deep-sea squid

2. The Vampire Squid

This squid gets its name from its strange looking appearance which symbolizes a vampire, specifically its red eyes and webbed legs that form what looks like a cloak around its body. Sharing commonalities with both squids and octopi, this species is the only surviving member within its order, the Vampyromorphida.  The vampire squid resides in depths of the ocean between 2,000 and 3,000 feet, where very few other creatures can sustain life because of the extremely low oxygen saturation.

Vampire Squid

1. Venus flytrap sea anemone

With excessive tentacles to catch prey as it drifts by and to defend itself, this creature will rarely moves on its own. Found in depths between 3,300 and 6,000 feet, the venus flytrap sea anemone resides in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of West Africa in parts where currents are strong.


Top 5 Creepiest Deep Sea Creatures

Friday, January 16, 2015

World's 10 Weirdest Lizards

Meet the top 10 weirdest lizards in the world & subscribe to Wacky Universe for new top 10 lists every week.


World's 10 Weirdest Lizards

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bigfoot Sighting in Russia

Actual Bigfoot footage caught a Yeti on camera in Russia. This Russian bigfoot was discovered in a snowy forest in the Adygeya Republic in south-western Russia.

The Russian team of scientist that captured film on the Yeti with their video camera claim they were startled when they heard the sounds of large bear-like creature walking through the woods in the snow.

Bigfoot Sighting in Russia

Is this dark hairy creature that caught on film the ever elusive Yeti? Could it be a bear? Or maybe just some crazy hermit living in the back woods of Russia?

Reports have been pouring from the south-western Adygeya Republic of a large creature covered in hair from head to toe being spotted in a remote area about an hour away from the city of Adygeisk.

Bigfoot Sighting in Russia

Recently a team of researchers headed to the area to see if they could catch this yeti on camera.

Do you know what the difference is between a yeti and bigfoot?

The theory is that they both are some lost species or descendants of Gigantopithecus, the difference is that Bigfoot is believed to live in the forests, mountains and swamps of North America, while the Yeti is believed to live in the mountainous snowy regions of the Himalayas or North East Asia and is smaller than its North American cousin.


Residents in the area have claimed to have seen and heard the creature outside in the snow.

One eyewitness Ludmila Hristoforova told a local television news reporter that “The creature was big, looking like a bear, but not a bear. From the door we’ve seen something big and shaggy.”

The research team claims they heard the crunching of snow and immediately headed outside and caught this footage of the creature.

Eye witness descriptions and this footage fit the traditional description of a yeti. A bipedal creature covered with dark grayish or reddish brown hair, weighs between 200 and 400 pounds and is about 6 feet tall.

The team also found a rather large foot print in the snow, presumably left behind by the monster. They made sure to make a plaster cast of the print and sent it off to scientists.


The footprints were 2-3 inches deep and it is estimated it would take a creature as heavy as 440 pounds (200 kilos) to press the snow down that much.

So what do you think of this latest sighting? Real or Hoax.

Interestingly enough, this footage reminds me a lot of the the most famous and controversial big foot film of all time. It was shot in 1967 by friends Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin and almost 50 years later, we still don’t know if it was real or a hoax.

Bigfoot Sighting in Russia

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Top 5 Strangest Sea Creatures

World’s weirdest, strangest, and most unbelievable deep sea creatures ever discovered. These bizarre sea monsters are absolutely amazing!

World’s Weirdest Sea Creatures

Sarcastic Fringehead! These monster like fish are extremely territorial and super aggressive! Don’t venture too close to their homes as they will attack you like a bat out of hell. Fortunately they only grow about a foot long but even at that size they have been known to attack divers occasionally piercing their wet suits. Could you imagine how terrifying this creature would be if was as big as whale?

1 wtf is that

Blobfish! Last year it was voted as the ugliest animal in the world. I think it’s kinda cute.


Deep Sea Hatchet Fish! Looking at it from straight on it appears to have a human face. It’s a very tiny fish that lives deep within the ocean depths and they have a very short life span… only living about a year.


One of my favorite sea creatures ever!!! This is the rare Mimic Octopus. Some people claim this to be the most intelligent animal in the world. This octopus actually has the ability to change colors, shape shift and actually take on the actions of other sea creatures in order to scare away it’s predators. You can click there to see it in action!


Deepstaria Reticulum! This mysterious sea creature looks like a giant trashbag. It’s so rare that it’s only been seen by divers 29 times in the last 20 years and was recently caught on an oil rig camera that took some amazing footage of it.

Mysterious Creature Caught on Oil Cam

Top 5 Strangest Sea Creatures

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

World's Most Toxic Snake

Meet the most venomous snake in the world. The Belcher’s sea snake aka Fainted Banded Snake and its venom is so powerful that no other snake on the planet comes close. Scientific name – Hydrophis belcheri.

The Most Venomous Snake in the World

There is constantly a debate on what snake is the most venomous. Some would say its the Inland Taipan, or possibly the beaked sea snake.

But more accurate LD 50 testing proves that is is the Belcher’s sea snake (faint banded sea snake), who’s venom is 100x’s more toxic than any other snake in the world.

Just to give you an idea how toxic this snake is.

One drop of venom from a King Cobra is powerful enough to kill well over 150 people.Just a few milligrams of its venom can kill over a 1,000 people.

Hydrophis belcheri-most-venomous-snake

Its a good thing its very timid and would take a lot of provoking it to get it to bite you.

It also has a very small mouth and tiny fangs, which make it even more difficult for it to penetrate when it does bite.

These docile creatures usually can be found swimming in the Indian Ocean, and can hold its breath under water for up to 8 hours when hunting. This sea snake can even sleep under water!

Most of its victims are usually fisherman who mistakenly grab them while pulling in their nets.

And did you know, even if it did bite you, it only releases venom into its victims about 25% of the time!

Did you know that venomous snakes often don’t release all its venom in one single bite, because it takes so long for them to make it.

But when the Belcher’s sea snake does release venom, it can cause you some serious damage. Why?

Because it is a neurotoxin that not only affects your central nervous system, your breathing and heart rate, but the poison also breaks down muscle and red blood cells, which then clogs up the liver, causing acute liver failure.

Its a very painful way to die and it could take 2 minutes or 2 days.

While this may be the most toxic snake in the world, it surely is not the most dangerous.

World's Most Toxic Snake

Friday, January 2, 2015

Huge Shark! Real or Fake?

Can you guess which images are real and which ones are fake? 9 of the world’s craziest images with a combination of real photos vs photo shop trickery.

Giant Shark Attacks Chopper


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Huge Shark! Real or Fake?